Ed-Tech, WTF
A Hack Education Project
An Update: No Updates
Beginning December 2018, I am taking a break from regular updates to Hack Education (in the form of the “Hack Education Weekly News” and the monthly “Business of Ed-Tech” venture funding analysis, specifically). This project will also be dormant. Maybe I’ll pick it up after I’ve finished writing Teaching Machines....
New Year's Updates
I’ve made some changes to this site, most obviously updating the header image. Thanks to Bryan Mathers. (Why a pigeon? You can read more here.) Those who look closely will also note that I have also changed the copyright information. No longer is there a Creative Commons license on Hack...
Contrafabulism and Tech Predictions
As part of our work as Contrafabulists, Kin and I have launched a project that examines the predictions that are made about the future of technology (our technological future). We'll post updates to the project weekly, and as I pay such close attention to the future of education (also as...
Annotations, Blocked
I have added a script to my websites today that will block annotations – namely those from Genius and those from Hypothes.is. I have been meaning to do this for a while now, so it’s mostly a project that comes as I procrastinate doing something else rather than one that...
WTF, Ed-Tech Visualizations
A group of friends recently shared some of the worst education-related infographics, and I decided that I should post them to ed-tech.wtf. I’ve added a new page to the site that I’ll update as I find new imagery. Attribution gets a bit challenging as – irony alert! – folks don’t...
I've finally updated the landing page for this site with some words other than "coming soon." I'm going to track on some of the most frightening predictions and proclamations made by those in ed-tech (mostly white men, for those keeping score at home). Submissions welcome.
A New Project
When ICANN released new top level domains, I bought this one: edtech.wtf. I still haven't come up with a good idea for it. But I will in 2016, I promise.